Weekly Fliers
Thank you for using the Electronic Backpack. If you have difficulties viewing or printing an item, please call the school office at 727-774-4500 and we will be happy to assist you.
2/10 astro flier 2-27-25.docx All Pro Dad Meeting 2-19-25.docx
1-14-25 Title 1 Feedback Meeting.docx All Pro Dad Meeting 1-22-25.docx
1-7-25 Information for Class Pictures is going home Movie Night flier 25.docx 5th-Grade-Yearbook-Dedication-Order.docx
12-3-24 Candy Cane Lane Flier.docx Krispy Kreme Fundraiser.docx Science Showcase 1-8-25 flier.docx
11-19-24 Holiday Gift Shop Flier.docx Holiday Shoppe Budget Guide.docx
11-12-24 Astro Flier 12-10-24.docx All Pro Dad 11-20-24.docx
10-16-24 GATI Flier.docx Fall Festival Flier.docx All Pro Dad Meeting 10-16-24.docx
9-23-24 PTO Meeting 10-8-2024.docx
9-17-24 Open Housr flier.docx Annual Title I Meeting Marketing.docx Title I annual Parent Letter 2024.docx Title 1 Compact created 1-2024.docx 5th Grade Gallop Letter To Families 24-25 (1).docx All Pro Dad Meeting 9-25-24.docx
9-3-24 Astro Flier 9-19-24.docx Strawbridge Information for Picture Day on 9/12 Our School Code is FM441280 Strawbridge.net
8-27-24 PTO Meeting 9-10-24.docx Y-Ties for Sale Flier.docx
8-20-24 All Pro Dad Meeting 8-28-24.docx Popcorn Pass flier.docx T Shirt Order Form 24-25.docx Items only available in paper form, sent home with students: Bahama Buck’s Cards, NFL Flag Football New Port Richey, and Pasco County Parks and Recreation activity flier
Student Beginning of the Year Folder: 24-25 Principal Letter .docx Cypress Handbook.docx Must Do Parent Portal Updates.docx Parent Important Phonewebsite Help.docx Attendance Counts.docx Car Rider Procedures.docx Volunteer Flier.docx Core Beliefs.doc CUB School Wide Expectations.docx RYCOREvision Notice.docx Partnering with Cypres.docx Adopt-A-Class Flier.docx fence banner flier.docx PTO Brochure.docx PBIS.Brochure.docx FFPFEP Brochure 23-24.docx Additional BOY Items available in paper form in school office: Bus Transportation (visit transportation website https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/transportation ), PCS Respect and Civility Statement (available in Student Code of Conduct (https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/ssps/page/conduct), School Advisory Council brochure, and Deparment of Children and Families flier.